Apa sich QNX itu sebenarnya,, QNX adalah perusahaan yang diakuisisi oleh RIM (Research In Motion) pada bulan April 2010 dan spesialisasi dalam sistem komunikasi untuk navigator dalam mobil. Dalam bidang militer ada dalam persenjataan perang. Waduh keren banget yaww,, maka dari itu RIM kemudian meluncurkan tablet OS Black Berry PlayBook. BlackBerry PlayBook diluncurkan tahun 2011. BlackBerry PlayBook hadir dalam 3 macam jenis yaitu; PlayBook 16GB, PlayBook 32GB, PlayBook 64GB.

BlackBerry PlayBook

Dari produk QNX itu BlackBerry PlayBook dilengkapi dengan:
  • 2 kamera ( kamera depan 3 Megapixel, kamera belakang 5 Megapixel) *hasilnya pasti jelas banget tuh..
  • Yang gak kalah seru,,sudah terinstal dengan Game Need Speed Undercover untuk mengontrol game cukup dengan menggerakkan PlayBook ke kanan ke kiri. Cocok bangetkan yang suka ngegame.. 

  • Layarnya 7 inci. (kecil sich) 
  • Beresolusi tinggi 1024 x 600 multitouch kapasitif.
  • Prosesor berbasis Cortex A91GHz CPU dual – core.
  • Wi-Fi. 
  • Tapi Fitur BBM dan Push e – mail dihilangkan. Percuma juga punya BB gak bisa BBM .
Jangan sedih yang sudah terlanjur punya BB PlayBook,, masi bisa untuk BBMan kok.
Tapi ada syaratnya,, harus
  • Update OS PlayBook minimal versi 
  • BlackBerry Bridge di ponsel kamu minimal versi (harus punya ponsel BB) 
  • BlackBerry Messenger di ponsel BlackBerry minimal versi 

Cara nya update OS PlayBook nya langsung aja,, dari PlayBook kamu,,
  • Settings > Software Update.

Trus langsung aja BBM dengan PlayBook mu. 
  • Koneksikan PlayBook dengan BlackBerry Bridge menggunakan Bluetooth. Kemudian keluar icon BBM di PlayBook.




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Keys to Success First Night

Communication, Keys to Success First Night

Every couple wants to make their first night as a witness of pure love that will be remembered for a lifetime. They should be prepared as possible, considering there has not yet had sexual intercourse. What should be prepared?


A harmonious sexual relationship is determined by several factors. First, good communication. Second, the correct sexual knowledge. Third, sexual function well on both sides.

A harmonious sexual relationship can not come just by itself. To achieve a harmonious sexual relationship, we need a coaching among others obtained from the learning process.


Theoretically, the learning process is obtained from the correct information about sexuality, especially about sex. In practical terms, would be obtained after the husband and wife do it.

How to open communication about sexuality in particular, must be practiced. How to make a satisfying sexual relationship the two parties, of course also be practiced.

From experience it would be known whether sexual satisfaction for both parties or not. If not, certainly need to know what causes it. Therefore, do not be surprised if the first night or in the early days of marriage, marital sexual relations are not harmonious.


Some studies suggest that many women can not achieve sexual satisfaction in the early days of marriage, even after years of marriage. However, if this is really sad to let it alone. Couples should have immediately sought to overcome this problem so that the sexual relationship to be harmonious and enjoyable together.


Actual preparation is required, either by husband or wife, not apart from the above three factors. Preparation that includes the state of health must be good, no psychological barriers, including in sexual communication and equip yourself with the correct sexual knowledge, especially about sexual harmony. After that through the experience of a husband and wife, is expected to become more intensive learning process.


If it happens on the first night of sexual disharmony, one of the parties should accept as normal. Even so, the next course of disharmony that must be tackled properly.


Open communication is necessary to foster a harmonious sexual life. Through good communication, husbands and wives know each other how their sex lives over the years. Thus if there is something disruption or disharmony husband and wife immediately tried to overcome them.

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is the body's defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of a disease or the body's reaction to irritation in your throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on. Coughing can be divided into two types namely acute cough and chronic cough, both stratified by time.

acute cough

is a cough that lasts less than 14 days, and in one episode. If the cough is more than 14 days, or occurs in three episodes during 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or chronic cough repeatedly. Recurrent chronic cough that often strikes children are due to asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough of 100 days).

Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization of DPT.


There are several causes of cough:

A. Generally caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract which is a flu-like symptoms.

2. Upper respiratory infection (ARI).

3. allergy

4. Asthma or tuberculosis

5. Foreign objects into the airway

6. Choking from drinking milk

7. Breathing smoke from people around

8. Psychogenic cough. This cough is caused by a lot of emotional and psychological problems.

Some cough medicines can be bought without a prescription, including those containing:

*Guaifenesin (expectorant Cohistan, Probat, Bisolvon Extra, Actifed expectorant, etc.). The thing to remember is if you take drugs containing Guaifenesin is to drink plenty of water.

*Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine (Actifed, Actifed expectorant, Disudrin, Clarinase, Rhinos SR, Triaminic, etc.). Medicines containing pseudoephedrine can be used to stop a cold liquid (runny) and postnasal drip.

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è meccanismi di difesa del corpo nel tratto respiratorio ed e 'un sintomo di una malattia o la reazione del corpo ad irritazione in gola a causa di muco, cibo, polvere, fumo e così via. Tosse può essere diviso in due tipi tosse cioè acuta e tosse cronica, sia stratificata dal tempo.

tosse acuta

è una tosse che dura meno di 14 giorni, e in un episodio. Se la tosse è più di 14 giorni, o si verifica in tre episodi durante i 3 mesi di fila, chiamato tosse cronica o tosse cronica ripetutamente. Tosse cronica recidivante che colpisce spesso i bambini sono causa di asma, la tubercolosi (TB) e pertosse (tosse convulsa / tosse di 100 giorni).

La pertosse è una tosse cronica causata dai batteri Bordetella pertussis. La pertosse può essere prevenuta tramite l'immunizzazione del DPT.

causare tosse

Ci sono diverse cause della tosse:

A. In genere causata da un'infezione del tratto respiratorio superiore che è un sintomi simil-influenzali.

2. Infezione delle vie respiratorie superiore (ARI).

3. allergia

4. Asma o la tubercolosi

5. Corpi estranei nelle vie aeree

6. Soffocamento da latte alimentare

7. Respirare il fumo di persone in tutto

8. Tosse psicogena. Questa tosse è causata da un sacco di problemi emotivi e psicologici.

Alcuni farmaci contro la tosse possono essere acquistati senza prescrizione medica, compresi quelli contenenti:

*Guaifenesin (espettorante Cohistan, Probat, Bisolvon Extra, espettorante Actifed, ecc.) La cosa da ricordare è che se si prendono farmaci contenenti Guaifenesin è quello di bere molta acqua.

*Decongestionanti come la pseudoefedrina (Actifed, Actifed espettorante, Disudrin, Clarinase, Rhinos SR, Triaminic, ecc.) I medicinali contenenti pseudoefedrina può essere usato per fermare un liquido freddo (cola) e gocciolamento.

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